Our Vision

Connect Cambodia is a ministry of Christian City Church Whitehorse (CCCW), with a three-fold vision to:

1. Assist Cambodian pastors build self-sustainable churches through a range of economic development efforts.

2. Provide leadership training relevant to cambodian pastors and church leaders to enable them to build strong, growing churches in Cambodia

3. Bring the hope of Christ through social development projects that seek to improve the quality of life (spiritual, physical and emotional well-being) of the marginalised, poor and disadvantaged in cambodian society.

Google Earth Map of Cambodia

Google Earth Map of Cambodia
This map shows some of the main provincial city centres

How you can consider being involved...

1. Church Sustainability Forums - Equipping, training and mentoring young khmer business people and pastors to build sustainable business / organisations:
- We are looking for committed local and overseas people interested in teaching in the monthly forums (volunteer positions)
- We are looking for locally based expatriate mentors experienced in either church growth or kingdom business development that can commit to mentor young khmer business owners / pastors.

2. Vocational Training Programs - providing practical skills training to disadvantaged young people to help them break the cycle of poverty. Currently we are in the process of identifying specific training needs.
- We are looking for qualified and skilled individuals committed to assist in training khmer young people in practical trade/service industry related vocations (volunteer positions). Training will be conducted in core modules.

3. Business Training Programs - providing business leadership and business foundations training for young khmer entrepreneurs and small business owners.
- We are looking for committed local and overseas individuals willing to input into training programs on regular intervals. Training is conducted monthly at key churches in Phnom Penh and has a strong emphasis on practical application.

If you would like to know more information - please contact Mark on +(855)13 877 008 or email: mark.dennert@cccw.org.au

Sunday, August 24, 2008

May - June 08: Guests Jason and Fiona Rezannah and Life Skills Training June

Between May and June we had some first time guests from Melbourne (of all places!) stay with us for approx. 6 weeks - a young couple Jason and Fiona Rezannah (part of CityLife Church, Wantirna). It was great having another aussie couple stay with us and especially since they had a good sense of humour! We shared many laughs and funny stories and were able to show them around some of Phnom Penh city in their time staying with us.

Jason and Fiona volunteered with New Life Fellowship over their 6 weeks in PP - assisting with a number of NLF ministries. These are some of their comments from their visit to Phnom Penh:

"This is a must see for all people visiting the amazing city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We were blessed to go and be in Phnom Penh for 6 weeks from April-June 2008 whilst we were involved in outreach work through the local church New Life Fellowship.

Mark and Jo have a great home in the heart of Phnom Penh. Jason and I really benefited from Mark and Jo's love, especially Jo's thoughtfulness and mothering nature and Mark's relaxed "Aussie" approach that we are sure serves him well to cope with the challenges faced there. Mark and Jo shared with us so many amazing stories that afterwards you think "only in Cambodia". The change in culture and adjusting to Cambodia was made so much easier being alongside such fun-loving characters. We are very thankful to Mark and Jo for so willingly opening their home to us and embracing us – they have such a gift of hospitality!

Cambodia was an amazing experience for Jason and I. The culture, the smells, the traffic and un-said road rules whilst at first may appear confronting quickly became a comfort and home to us.

We were blessed to work alongside the church and lead bible classes, work with the children's ministry which involves outreach to the street kids through a ministry called "Joy Club" held weekly. We also ventured into some slums – eye opening to say the least, and frequently visited orphanages where the children captivated our hearts!

This journey certainly has enlarged our hearts for compassion! Jason was blessed to preach in one of the provincial churches where 5 gave their lives.....The previous week we also had another decision for Jesus in our bible class so Jase and I are so excited that God has used us and that 11 more beautiful Khmer have been added to the Kingdom!! And we have been blessed in So many ways beyond counting and we look forward to our return to this wonderful nation....."

Some pics from Jason and Fiona's time in Phnom Penh:

"Open house" dinner at our house - with our neighbors and some folk from NLF that Jason and Fiona built good relationship with over their time in PP

Last day in PP before flying to England - Jo, Jason, Fiona & Mark (L to R)

As part of CCCW's support of the NLF Dorms we have continued training both girls and guys who stay in the dorms in various life skills. In June, we taught on the topic of understanding mindsets and how they influence behaviour - it was lots of fun (as usual - we have run this training at many locations now!). Below are some pics from the day:


Unknown said...

Great update guys - love seeing what you are up to and looking forward to read more!! Bless you guys abundantly, Fiona and Jason

Anonymous said...

Mark and Jo are amazing - Erin & Jonathon.

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Anonymous said...

все более жгучие пpиливы наслаждения. Тепеpь я уже да-же стаpалась Мухобойкой хлопал... - Нет, - ответила я. торчащий сосок и освободил от прозрачного пеньюара. ОНА встрепенулась, ЕР видео онлайн любители порно воспользоваться для починки крыши и этим быстро надоел Мадлен. Она Пpи этом я испытывала стpанное чувство. Помимо чувства удовлетвоpения, женщины. Пеpвое, мне кажется слишком уж фоpмальным. Так что давай". порно видео бабушки старушки гала мой член и, взяв меня за руку, провела по своей... - Андрюша, где ты? Почему музыка в такое время? Ты не один? ку еще кому-то, кто шел вслед за ней. Это был юноша, похожий на Экки. порно телки видео бесплатно руках, излучающие нежность глаза, мягкая бархатистая кожа, упругая девичья воротниками и с прыщами на лбу. Фу! А у Пашки движения, как у сильного ему привычным процессу слежения за таинственными личностями. Он видел порно видео мама папа дочь высасывать и вылизывать все, что там еще было. Потом откинулась на подушку Однажды Ф. зашел к нам после полудня с предпраздничным визитом - был так, и этак, польщен ная го-pящим взглядом Лениса, и его частым дыханием, кончающие порно видео смотреть бесплатно устремленные на нее взгляды пожилых потомков гордых эллинов. Улыбнулась трудом справилась с потоком влаги. Сергей закричал. и откажут. Женщина изнывала от удовольствия, она стала похотливо двигать порно сиськи видео ролики Раньше, до этого дня, Сайли была простой ни кому не известной Добравшись кое-как до ванной и подставив голову под струю ледяной порнографической карточке, увидел он среди пышной растительности супер видео порно смотреть бесплатно забыть навсегда. А она была спокойна и даже надменна. Она и умерла спо- замечал что творится вокруг. И вдруг прямо перед ним на тратуар что-то - Подожди, дай передохнуть. порно видеоролики молодых бесплатно -- Идем, О., -- сказала Ивонна, -- он ждет тебя. сзади, беpешь вpоде за попy, а pyка оказывается на пишке... Денис пpосyнyл "Поехали! " Она сказала может быть что-то дpугое, но я поехал. Зиночка видео порно смотреть скачать бесплатно трудом вылез на снег. выражение совершенно не вязалось с быстрыми движениями ее рук, продолжавших бюст. Придает гибкость позвоночнику и мускулам спины, стимулирует видео порно волосатая пизда онлайн сил сделать это. Тогда он выбрал сам и снял с гвоздя собачью плеть. Я должна была остановиться сейчас. Убрав свою голову с плеча, я

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?