Our Vision

Connect Cambodia is a ministry of Christian City Church Whitehorse (CCCW), with a three-fold vision to:

1. Assist Cambodian pastors build self-sustainable churches through a range of economic development efforts.

2. Provide leadership training relevant to cambodian pastors and church leaders to enable them to build strong, growing churches in Cambodia

3. Bring the hope of Christ through social development projects that seek to improve the quality of life (spiritual, physical and emotional well-being) of the marginalised, poor and disadvantaged in cambodian society.

Google Earth Map of Cambodia

Google Earth Map of Cambodia
This map shows some of the main provincial city centres

How you can consider being involved...

1. Church Sustainability Forums - Equipping, training and mentoring young khmer business people and pastors to build sustainable business / organisations:
- We are looking for committed local and overseas people interested in teaching in the monthly forums (volunteer positions)
- We are looking for locally based expatriate mentors experienced in either church growth or kingdom business development that can commit to mentor young khmer business owners / pastors.

2. Vocational Training Programs - providing practical skills training to disadvantaged young people to help them break the cycle of poverty. Currently we are in the process of identifying specific training needs.
- We are looking for qualified and skilled individuals committed to assist in training khmer young people in practical trade/service industry related vocations (volunteer positions). Training will be conducted in core modules.

3. Business Training Programs - providing business leadership and business foundations training for young khmer entrepreneurs and small business owners.
- We are looking for committed local and overseas individuals willing to input into training programs on regular intervals. Training is conducted monthly at key churches in Phnom Penh and has a strong emphasis on practical application.

If you would like to know more information - please contact Mark on +(855)13 877 008 or email: mark.dennert@cccw.org.au

Monday, April 7, 2008

A visit to Ps. Ty Bros' Church in Kraing Thnong village

Some pics of the small chicken farming project used by Ps. Bros to raise funds and support the local church. Local youth are employed to work in the business - the profits are currently helping Ps. Bros' church become self-sustainable.

A local truck en-route to the Ps. Pros' province - typical mode of travel for locals is anywhere there's a room to sit - even if on top!!

Ps. Bros with a local young woman entrepreneur. An example of silk weaving business development - the church loans the weaving looms on a pay-back basis to such young entrepreneurs, the profits from these small enterprises are greater than working in the garment factories. Each woman can then work from home, enabling them to help with their family/parents, while earning a decent salary - enough to contribute well to the families income needs.

Ps. Bros' church building - with some recent renovations and fresh coat of paint - looks fantastic!

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