Our Vision

Connect Cambodia is a ministry of Christian City Church Whitehorse (CCCW), with a three-fold vision to:

1. Assist Cambodian pastors build self-sustainable churches through a range of economic development efforts.

2. Provide leadership training relevant to cambodian pastors and church leaders to enable them to build strong, growing churches in Cambodia

3. Bring the hope of Christ through social development projects that seek to improve the quality of life (spiritual, physical and emotional well-being) of the marginalised, poor and disadvantaged in cambodian society.

Google Earth Map of Cambodia

Google Earth Map of Cambodia
This map shows some of the main provincial city centres

How you can consider being involved...

1. Church Sustainability Forums - Equipping, training and mentoring young khmer business people and pastors to build sustainable business / organisations:
- We are looking for committed local and overseas people interested in teaching in the monthly forums (volunteer positions)
- We are looking for locally based expatriate mentors experienced in either church growth or kingdom business development that can commit to mentor young khmer business owners / pastors.

2. Vocational Training Programs - providing practical skills training to disadvantaged young people to help them break the cycle of poverty. Currently we are in the process of identifying specific training needs.
- We are looking for qualified and skilled individuals committed to assist in training khmer young people in practical trade/service industry related vocations (volunteer positions). Training will be conducted in core modules.

3. Business Training Programs - providing business leadership and business foundations training for young khmer entrepreneurs and small business owners.
- We are looking for committed local and overseas individuals willing to input into training programs on regular intervals. Training is conducted monthly at key churches in Phnom Penh and has a strong emphasis on practical application.

If you would like to know more information - please contact Mark on +(855)13 877 008 or email: mark.dennert@cccw.org.au

Monday, January 29, 2007

Postscripts from Phnom Penh (Jan 07)

Hi and Happy New Year to you all! We can't believe we have been in cambodia now for near on 5 months...it feels like a year already!! Well...not that bad..but sure feels like longer than that. So, what have we been up to? Well...read on:

From Mark...
Hi, well, since our last update in December we've definitely moved forward in terms of feeling more at ease in living here..with adjusting to the culture and climate, etc - which has helped us to settle in. We still have our usual (almost daily!) frustrations of noise, traffic, wading through layer upon layer of khmer people's mindsets and behaviours, etc - but we are both going well and finding our place here in terms of work and ministry.

In the last couple of months we've been focusing on three main areas of planning for this year, building relationships and starting language learning. We are looking to start a pilot training program for a small group of pastors and church business people that will aim to build trust & capacity, and provide teaching on building sustainable church & business organisations. We are looking to have this supported with mentoring relationships formed with local expats in business here. So, we're really looking forward to seeing this started shortly (hopefully in March all things going to plan). We have another pastors conference coming up later this month in Feb with a team from our church coming over again - so, that'll be great and will be really nice to hang out with some of the gang from cccw again! Last time, we had a ball with the team..lot's of fun and great laughs..so, we are very much looking forward to that!!

We have also started our language learning with a tutor coming to our house....and let's just say..this is gonna take some time! We are going right back to basics in learning the khmer vowels and consenants and working at reading the khmer script as we go through. No small task - I might add! (Read: HELP!!). There are just some sounds in the khmer language that we don't have in our english...so, I've had to resort to some helpful prompts to remember the sounds. For instance, there are two vowels that remind me of burping noises...so, obviously I find these easier to remember than Jo..(not sure why that is>?!)..and others, well...one is kinda like a dog yelping (so our khmer tutor tells us!)..so again, this helps in remembering the sounds. Ahh...tis all fun..it will be slow, but hopefully rewarding in the long term!

So, some funny stories: Well..let's see...we attended a local khmer friend's wedding recently which was full of laughs and definitely an experience (Jo will talk about this one though!). We also, have enjoyed hanging out with some of the local expats and hearing their stories. One which comes to mind is a classic....this is from an Aussie who is working with a local NGO (Note: this happened several years ago now): The NGO had just recently had to demolish some building areas as part of renovation works and had a pile of timber and rubble to get rid of....so, one day, as the project supervisor, he told a group of his khmer employees to load up the rubbish and timber in the work truck and take it down to the rubbish tip and burn it. Well, our expatriate friend was somewhat dismayed to find later that day that his khmer staff had taking his instruction literally, and simply driven the truck full of timber to the tip and torched the whole lot, truck and all!! Again, just one example of how communication can sometimes be lost in translation and the cultural setting! What a classic - eh!.

From Jo...
Happy New Year Everyone! Well, it’s been a very busy Dec/Jan for us! Christmas sneaked up on us so quickly, particularly as Christmas as we know it is not celebrated here, as the majority of Cambodians are Buddhists and a smaller number Muslims. Therefore Christmas Day here basically does not exist, no Christmas trees or lights or constant carols in shopping centres (a blessing in some ways..that one!) and people still work, like every other day. Although what’s ironic is that there are about 26 public holidays here, mainly afforded to those who are wealthy or in government positions – so you can see a lot of work gets done with all the siesta’s in between (however the majority who are still very poor have to work each day just to survive)!

We went across the border to Laos to spend Christmas with my brother, sister-in-law, my two nephews and one of my other sisters who are currently working in Laos. My brother and his family have lived/worked there for nearly 5 years and my younger sister is there for a 12 mth stint. It was great to spend 10 days with them, and particularly since my brother and his family have recently decided to move back to Melb. Laos is much quieter, less dusty and crowded and colder than Cambodia so it was a really nice change, although some of the scenery is the same!

Arriving back in Phnom Penh, we instantly hit with a heatwave, despite this time of year being considered ‘cold season’. The temperature has varied between 28-35C. April is supposed to be the hottest month at about 40C and where the locals have about 3 showers a day, so we’ll soon find out how many we’ll be having!

We have also had Leanne, a medical student from Melb Uni come and stay with us for the month of Jan, doing a placement at the Pediatrics’ Hospital, which has been nice to have an Aussie with us.

Some other little bits and pieces:
- We attended a local Cambodian wedding after arriving back from Laos. Money is given instead of presents and you also pay money for the cost of the dinner plus extra if you want to bless them. The wedding started about 6.30am until about 10pm, starting off with traditional Khmer ceremonies. The more ‘Western’ service started about 11ish where the actual vows were said. The dinner at 5ish was very elaborate. Apparently this local Cambodian couple’s families are relatively well off and that showed with the over 600 guests who came to the reception. The wedding was like going to the Logies, the bride changed about 10 times throughout the day, the groom several times and even the guests changed at least twice! Breakfast, lunch and dinner were served for all who attended. Interestingly though, only about 200 people or so attended the actual ceremony but everybody came to the reception.
- We have also attended an engagement party, which again was like going to the Logies. The engaged couple looked like they were getting married!
- One great thing about Cambodia, you can get clothes made cheaply – just have to hope that you someone who can sew straight!
- Some more food stories: I have now witnessed a shop that sells dog meat, with all the dogs’ heads on platters (I thought my friends were pulling my leg)! At the wedding we were served a salad with chicken feet and duck feet! Along with crunchy fried spiders, we have also seen fried crickets and frogs!

We have been trying to meet a number of local pastors from different denominations and to gain a greater understanding of the Cambodian churches and their needs. Whilst trust comes through the building of relationships we are constantly challenged with the expectation from the general culture, including some even within the church expecting money with the view that all foreigners have lots of money! On the other hand, many Western churches and NGOs (non-govt organisations) often like to give money to help Cambodians, which is necessary. However from what we have observed and as another expat here has stated it: 'Cambodia and Western countries often exist in a 'codependent relationship'', that is, unhealthy dependency with each other, instead of being interdependent. Interestingly, we have also been told that one of the local Khmer pastors has stated that 'the problem with Cambodia is that it has too much money'. The impression is that there is more of a need now to teach Cambodians how to manage money better rather than giving another hand-out. Please help us pray into this situation of knowing the balance between when to give money and the teaching of managing it more wisely. On a spiritual level, the church is still struggling to get revelation knowledge that God is their provider and will often resort to relying on their own strength or going to fortune tellers and so on, when pressures of life arise (which happens to us all!)

A quick note from Leanne………
I have been the blessed recipient of Mark and Jo’s generosity; after only meeting them on occasion, this couple offered me a place to stay while I undertook my medical elective here in Phnom Penh. It’s been a great experience to be an almost adopted daughter/sister, with warnings of not staying out too late, frequent home
cooked meals and thorough explanations of the odd habits of Cambodians!
Life in Phnom Penh with Mark and Jo has been a truly memorable experience! It has been a great opportunity to experience life in a developing nation, and to meet some fabulous Cambodians. It’s also been really encouraging to see how God is working in Cambodia to bring people to himself.
I am really thankful for my time here in Cambodia, and for Jo and Mark making me feel so welcome.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read our update. Look forward to connecting at some stage soon! Here are some recent pics. Hope you enjoy!!.....

Heng Hak, our cambodian staff member....enjoying a typical day in the office!

Mark with nephew Kobi (Jo's brother Ben's youngest son) while in Laos over Christmas and NY 07...and yes, Mark is wearing Kobi's Bob-the-Builder cap!

With some friends after a meal together (Leah and Mara Cassidy-Kong, with their girls Naomi and Anna, Mara's parents, and another expat couple from the UK, Jez and Jacqui)

At a local cambodian friends wedding.....think lots of karaoke and really extravagant dresses!

The girls night out (at the wedding!) L-R: Leah Cassidy (and Naomi her daughter), Chek, Narelle & Jo

Pic of us with the newly wed couple (Pisit and Saha). The typical wedding day starts at 6:30am with guests involved in the many traditional ceremonies (ie. fruit carrying) and sharing meals together. The brides apparently can change outfits up to 10 times throughout the day...(just think though, this is bearable considering that weddings in previous generations used to run between 2-3 days long - imagine the outfit changes for that!!)


Nel said...

How wonderful to see your blog! It feels like a more direct link to you both and all the wonderful people there in Phnom Penh.I get quite 'homesick' when I see the pictures with all the happy, smiling faces. The wedding photos are beautiful and to see Heng's great smile, well.....

Jonathon Sciola said...

Hi Guys, Enjoying the third world? Erin and the team are on their way soon. God bless. Jonno